The Apple Vision Pro, price around Rs. 1,200,000 PKR. Apple Vision Pro is a groundbreaking VR headset, comes with a price tag of $3499 in the US. For Pakistani consumers, however, the cost isn’t simply a direct conversion to PKR due to taxes and retailer margins. Expectations put its price around Rs. 1,200,000, with the higher-end model possibly exceeding Rs. 1,300,000.
Apple Vision Pro Specification
Feature | Specification |
Display | Micro OLED display |
Refresh Rate | Up to 100Hz |
Resolution | 23 million pixels |
Processor | M2 and R1 chip |
Camera Systems | Multiple 3D camera systems |
Sensors | Array of sensors for movement, gestures, facial expressions, etc. |
Battery Life | 2 hours |
Audio | Multiple speakers on each side |
Additional Features | – |